Booster Plus for WooCommerce Is Included for FREE with Tech Savvy
In today's era of computerization where everything has been taken over by computers and the internet, shopping online has become a standard norm. There are hundreds and thousands of shopping portal that engages millions of buyers across the globe who are constantly browsers for portals with the best of offers that couples with an easy UI.
Millions of such WooCommerce sites come up each minute. And each of these sites are constantly competing with tons of already established sites to join the race to be the best. So merely starting an online portal with a good WooCommerce plugin is not enough. You need a lot more to beat your challenges.
What we have today is something that will help you in this journey. In this article, we will review a WooCommerce WordPress Plugin called the Booster for WooCommerce, a comprehensive toolkit for your WooCommerce site that you'll ever need.
Booster for WooCommerce
Why Booster for WooCommerce?
Booster for WooCommerce is a brilliant WordPress plugin that supercharges your site with some incredibly awesome and powerful features that will instantly bring your site to the top lists of WooCommerce sites. This plugin is like a complete package that will make your site exceptionally user-friendly and superbly features rich.
You can use this plugin to edit and customize your WooCommerce site without scribbling even a single line of codes. Not just that, with Booster for WooCommerce you can make your site seamlessly user-friendly on the front end and a fully functional online store on the back-end.
So before we brag on more about this plugin, let's have a look at its awesome features.
Booster for WooCommerce is jam-packed with tons of brilliant features that will enhance the functionalities of your WooCommerce online store making it one of the most loved shopping portal across the globe. Let's have a look at what it has got to offer.
Please note that the Booster for WooCommerce plugin comes with a few premium add-ons that will make your WooCommerce site even better and add a few quality features to make things easier for you.
We will discuss all the features available with this plugin below and you can visit the link below to download the free plugin as well as to check the premium add-ons.
Price and Currencies
This plugin offers you tons of options for managing your prices in various currencies. If you have your buyers spread across the world, then this feature is a must have for your site. It will make things simpler and a lot more faster for you and your buyers by doing all the needful in terms of currencies cross boarders. You can display your prices in multiple currencies or all the currencies of the world by adding just a simple button. Not just this, it has much more to offer. Here is the list:
- Bulk Price Converter - With this feature, you can multiply all products prices by the set value.
- Currencies - This will allow you to add all the world currencies to your WooCommerce site.
- Currency Exchange Rates - With this, you can add an Automated currency exchange rates option.
- Currency for External Products - This will allow you to set different currencies for external WooCommerce products.
- Currency per Product - You can now display the prices for your products in different currencies.
- Multicurrency - Add multiple currencies (currency switcher) to your site.
- Multicurrency Product Base Price - With this, you can enter prices for your products in different currencies.
- Price Formats - Set different WooCommerce price formats for different currencies.
- Price by User Role - Display WooCommerce products prices by user roles.
- Prices and Currencies by Country - Change WooCommerce product price and currency automatically by customer's country.
- Product Open Pricing - This option allows your customers to enter a price for the products manually.
- Product Price by Formula - With this, you can set formulas for automatic product price calculation.
- Wholesale Price - Set WooCommerce wholesale pricing depending on product quantity in cart
Button & Price Labels
Booster for WooCommerce allows you to make all the changes you want in your site and make it as trendy as you want. You can do everything from changing the texts for your Add to Cart by its categories, set your customized place order buttons and lots more. Check out the following list to know exactly what you can have.
- Add to Cart Labels - With this feature, you can change the text for your Add to Cart button by the product type, product category or for individual products.
- Call for Price - This will help you create any custom price label for all your products with an empty price.
- Custom Price Labels - Create any custom price label for any WooCommerce product.
- More Button Labels - This will let you set "Place order" button label.
This is yet another nifty feature that will enhance the sales of your site instantly. Check out the list below to find out how.
- Bookings - With this feature, you can add a booking products option to your site.
- Crowdfunding - Add a button for crowdfunding.
- Product Add to Cart - Set any local URL to redirect to on WooCommerce Add to Cart. Automatically add to cart on product visit. Display radio buttons instead of drop box for variable products. Disable quantity input. Disable add to cart button on per product basis. Open external products on add to cart in a new window.
- Product Addons - Add (paid/free/discount) addons to WooCommerce products.
- Product Cost Price - Save WooCommerce product purchase costs data for admin reports.
- Product Images - Customize WooCommerce products images, thumbnails and sale flashes.
- Product Info - Add additional info to WooCommerce category and single product pages.
- Product Input Fields - WooCommerce product input fields.
- Product Listings - Change WooCommerce display options for shop and category pages: show/hide categories count, exclude categories, show/hide empty categories. Add "products per page" selector.
- Product Tabs - Add custom product tabs - globally or per product. Customize or completely remove WooCommerce default product tabs.
- Product by Country - Display WooCommerce products by customers country.
- Product by User - Let users add new WooCommerce products from the frontend.
- Related Products - Change displayed WooCommerce related products number, columns, order, relate by tag and/or category, or hide related products completely.
- SKU - Generate WooCommerce SKUs automatically.
- Sorting - Add more WooCommerce sorting options or remove all sorting including default.
Cart & Checkout
Under this field, you have the possibility to customize your WooCommerce cart page and do tons of awesome customization like adding custom fields, allowing customer's to upload files on the checkout page and a lot more. Here's a list to check out what else you can do.
- Cart - This feature allows you to add custom info to your cart page.
- Checkout Core Fields - You can easily customize your core checkout fields like disable or enable fields, set required, change labels and/or placeholders.
- Checkout Files Upload - With this feature, you can let your customers upload files on your WooCommerce checkout list.
- Empty Cart Button - Add and customize your cart page to create a fancy Empty Cart button.
- Mini Cart - Customize WooCommerce mini cart widget.
Payment Gateways
This is another great addition that can help you add advanced features to your WooCommerce Cart. Check out what it has.
- Custom Gateways - This feature allows you to add multiple custom payment gateways to WooCommerce.
- Gateways Currency - Currency per WooCommerce payment gateway.
- Gateways Fees and Discounts - This helps add and enable extra fees or discounts for your payment gateways.
- Gateways Icons - With this you can change or completely remove icons for any WooCommerce payment gateway.
- Gateways Min/Max - Add min or max amounts for WooCommerce payment gateways to show up.
- Gateways by Country or State - Under this you can Set countries or states to include or exclude for WooCommerce payment gateways to show up.
- Gateways by User Role - Set user roles to include or exclude for WooCommerce payment gateways.
- Gateways per Product or Category - Show WooCommerce gateway only if there is selected product or product category in your cart.
Other features include Shipping & Orders, PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips, Emails & Misc. Check out all its features to have a better idea of this amazingly powerful plugin. We bet you will love it for the way it can change your WooCommerce site into a technically advanced and modern one.
Installing the Plugin
Installing Booster for WooCommerce is as easy as installing any other plugin on your WordPress site. All you have to go to your WordPres admin page and click on the plugin button. Now click on the Add New option. You will see a search box there, where you can type the name of the required plugin.
Type Booster for WooCommerce there and click on the plugin when it is found. Once that is done you are ready to install and activate it.
Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin
Now, let's have a look at the features that are exclusively available with the Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin which is the premium add-on for this amazing plugin. The premium license starts with $19.99.
Once you install the premium add-on, it will open up a variety of different premium functionalities for your eCommerce site. You leave the free version installed and activated as it was, you will have the old settings as it was.
There are a number of different premium features wich are probably listed above in the features list. The Booster Plus offers you some amazing features for different functionalities and sections, we will have a look at some of the important ones in detail.
Add to Cart Labels
A detailed site always helps the users and offers them a great experience, with this add-on you can customize the add to cart text depending on the category of product or even individual products. You can easily change the text depending on the product type or you can group categories and add the button text to personalize the user experience.
Call for Price
The call for price model is very popular in the eCommerce industry because if you don't set the price tag you get the option to negotiate the price with your customers. This idea can work really for some kind of products with limited stock and help you earn that extra amount.
This plugin offers you an easy option to set the call for price feature for your product with an empty price field.
Checkout Custom Fields
The premium add-on of the plugin offers you a number of amazing features related to cat and checkout that will help you to fully customize the details related to checkout. The checkout custom field is one of theme, with this module you can add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout page according to your requirement.
You can choose teh section where you want to add the custom file from the availabel options billing, shipping, order notes, account and get started. The process is extremely simple and quick.
Custom Payment Gateways
The integration of payment gateway is one of the most important factors for any online shop. And if you are creating a site that is targetting a specific location and you want to work around with the payment process, this module is going to be really useful for you.
With this module you can add different payment gateways to your site.
There are a number of other useful features which will be unlocked as you take the premium add-on, you can use the link below to checkout all the premium features offered by the Booster Plus version.
Documentation and Support
The plugin comes with much documentation and offers awesome support anytime you think aid is needed. You can mail them directly for any pre or post sales queries and also contact them if you are need of technical help. Their quick and great support system has satisfied tons of its users.
Booster for WooCommerce is a complete package that can transform your WooCommerce site to a technically advanced and modern site, equipped with all latest trending features. Once you start using this plugin you can automatically and effortlessly boost up your sales because it takes care of everything that is required to do so.